Tyler Office Processes Donations for East Texas Food Bank
As part of Lochner’s Giving Back Initiative, employees throughout the firm participate in an annual group service project that benefits the local communities in which they live, work, and play. This week, we are featuring the volunteer efforts of our Tyler, Texas office at the East Texas Food Bank, a regional food bank that serves 26 counties in East Texas. On April 9, 2019, 15 Lochner employees sorted boxes of food donated by local grocery stores. These boxes included canned foods, dry goods, soft drinks, and water and were so large that some of our employees had to climb inside them to reach the food at the bottom. Once all the food was removed, our employees inspected the packaging to make sure it wasn’t damaged and then separated the food into smaller boxes for equal distribution. Each smaller box is intended for food programs partnered with the East Texas Food Bank. Sorting and distributing the food usually takes three to four hours for most groups, but it only took the Lochner team two hours because of their organization and communication. Together, our employees processed and sorted approximately 7,525 meals.
The East Texas Food Bank is a non-profit, regional food bank that supplies food to over 200 partner agencies and food programs throughout 26 counties in East Texas. Originally founded in 1988, the food bank is a member of Feeding America, a nationwide hunger-relief organization.
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