Boise Office Cleans Up Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge
As part of Lochner’s Giving Back Initiative, employees throughout the firm participate in an annual group service project that benefits the local communities in which they live, work, and play. This week, we are featuring the volunteer efforts of our Boise office at Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge, a protected area of land that provides breeding and migratory habitat for birds, mammals, and other wildlife. On April 29, 2019, Boise employees spent three hours weeding, pruning, and trimming the area around Deer Flat’s Visitor Center. Our staff was joined by several other community members and together improved trails by cleaning up the wildlife-friendly landscaping. They also removed noxious weeds, which often compete with native plants wildlife depend on for food and cover. All of the volunteers collected enough dead growth and debris to fill three truck trailers, and Lochner staff were personally thanked by refuge staff for making the area surrounding the Visitor Center more inviting.
Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1909 and is one of the oldest refuges in country. Its 11,388 acres provides an important resting and wintering area for birds migrating along the Pacific Flyway, including mallards and Canada geese and, as a result, was deemed a Globally Important Bird Area for the American Bird Conservancy.
Click here to check out other Giving Back activities from across the firm.
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