City of Buda Transportation Mobility Master Plan
Location Buda, TX
Client City of Buda
Over the past decade, the City of Buda population has grown by 150 percent, making it a significant challenge to provide transportation infrastructure to keep pace with growth. Furthermore, Buda is located along the bustling I-35 corridor in Hays County, which experienced the second largest growth rate of any county in the nation during the same time period.
To address growth and mobility, the Buda Moves! plan is the logical next step in a series of planning efforts the City has completed, including the 2013 Transportation Master Plan, 2015 Downtown Master Plan, the 2016 Comprehensive Plan, and the 2017 Unified Development Code (UDC). At the heart of the plan is multimodal transportation recommendations, including roadway, intersection, sidewalk, and trail projects. Members of the community provided input on proposed recommendations, voicing the following key priorities: providing neighborhood connectivity and Complete Streets elements, protecting the historic small-town charm of the City, improving east-west mobility, and providing multimodal connections.
In addition, the plan includes strategies for optimizing existing processes so the City can continue to plan effectively for the community’s future. For example, step-by-step guidance is provided for systematic implementation of the Complete Streets policies adopted by City Council. Actions like establishing a Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, completing a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, and adopting a formal Capital Projects Delivery Pipeline Process are recommended so Complete Streets and context sensitive design principles can be included in all phases of capital project development. Since the Buda Moves! plan is a long-range plan that acts as an umbrella plan for short-term, fiscally constrained efforts like the five-year Capital Improvements Plan and bond packages, it also includes recommendations for prioritizing projects, securing outside funding, and evaluating transportation trends and technologies.
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