I-135 & Mohawk Road Interchange
Location McPherson, Kansas
Owner McPherson Industrial Development Co.
Client Kansas Department of Transportation
- Diamond Interchange Design
- Interstate Design
- Highway/Roadway Design
- Structural Design
- Feasibility Study
- Traffic/Transportation Analysis
- Right of Way Evaluation
- Utility Engineering
- Alternatives Development and Analysis
- Cost Estimate Development
- Final Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E)
- Construction Support Services
- Construction Engineering Inspection
- State/Federal Funding Procedure Compliance
McPherson lies to the west of I-135 and is connected to the interstate through Kansas Avenue (US-81) in the southern portion of the City. The northeastern portion of the city is the origin-destination of a substantial amount of heavy industrial traffic, nearly all of which travels through the city as it leaves and joins the interstate. In a project instigated by the City and administered by the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), a new interchange was constructed at I-135 and Mohawk Road to minimize the congestion and maintenance issues caused by heavy traffic and to support future industrial growth and the potential development of a new bypass.
Lochner was involved in every stage of the project, developed the initial feasibility study, and assisted with the City’s grant application, interchange design, and construction engineering and inspection.
In the interchange feasibility study, Lochner provided the City with conceptual interchange layout plans; details of the roadway improvement, utility relocation, and right-of-way acquisition requirements of the project; and estimations of construction and right-of-way costs. Determining that interchange construction was feasible, Lochner assisted the City in its funding application for the project and was ultimately successful in securing funding from KDOT.
In addition, Lochner was responsible for all of the roadway and structural design for the new diamond (side road over mainline) interchange at a new location. A main city power line that runs alongside Mohawk Road would have been impacted by construction on the road’s existing alignment. Lochner’s previous analyses revealed that the relocation of Mohawk Road would be substantially less expensive than the relocation of the power line. Therefore, Lochner’s plans also realigned 0.75 miles of Mohawk Road by approximately 80 feet. Only minimal movement of the power line’s corner posts were required.
Construction commenced in summer 2016, and Lochner provided all required construction engineering and inspection services.
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